Thursday, January 6, 2011

My 2011 Goals--Part 2

  Books, reading, and writing play a large role in my life and hope this to continue to be true in 2011. However, in years past, I have set severally, unrealistic goals for myself and end up disappointed when the year's end comes. This year, I am going to try not end up the year disappointed. I am setting the bar low, so that anything above these goals will be a surprise and not expected. Here are my 2011 reading and writing goals:

1. I want to finish at least two stories that have been in limbo for the last several years.

2. I want to try and put together a volume of vignettes and short stories before this years end.

3. I want to read these books:

       * Grapes of Wrath--Steinbeck
       * East of Eden--Steinbeck
       * Don Quixote--Cervantes
       * Look Homeward, Angel--Thomas Wolfe

4. I want to slowly begin making my way through Faulkner. I feel I am ready. I have only read some short works, but feel that maybe 2011 is year for me to drive straight in.

5. And lastly, I want to finish these books:

  * Walden
  * The Cost of Discipleship
  * Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

I will be so happy if I can even get some of this accomplished. I feel like I have been short-changed from not having read these great books. I am only two chapters into the Grapes of Wrath and I am amazed. I can never having the power of words and sentence structure that Steinbeck had. It is sad he only won one Pulitzer Prize.

Happy reading and writing,

1 comment:

  1. The Grapes of Wrath is one of my all-time faves. I hope The Shopkeeper is one of the stories you're going to finish this year! See y'all soon.
