Monday, January 3, 2011

My 2011 Goals-Part 1

I have a lot of goals for 2011 and don't want to bore everyone in one fail swoop so I decided on doing several compartmental posts. (or make Mel anymore crazy with my lists and logs) The first set of goals will be about my life in running in 2011.

A pic of me trying not to come in last in a race for High Schoolers at the Magic Kingdom last year.

  So, here they are:

1. I want to try to run at least a mile everyday of this year. I have read about several people who have a streak in doing this for years and years. I am only two days in, but have run small amounts each day.

2. I want to complete another marathon. I know this sounds crazy because each of you have proof that I said I just wanted to do one to see if I could, but now am wondering if I could cover the distance just a tad bit faster. (Sorry, Mel)

3. I want to try and run faster than 1:45:00 in a half marathon.

4. I want to try and recover some of my speed this year. Over Christmas break, I drove my wife past my old elementary school where I won the 50 yard dash on multiple occasions. I want to get back to that kind of running. No, not beating elementary kids in the 50 yard dash, but running fast. I want to get below 45 minutes in the 10k and right at 20 minutes for the 5k.

5. I want to have a 60 mile week of running. I got close last year with a couple of 50+ weeks, but didn't quite make it.

6. And lastly, I want to try and run 2000 miles. In 2010, I ran 1509 miles. I am so proud, but know there were a lot of days where 0 miles were run. But to be honest, I will be happy with another year of more than a thousand. I know this sounds crazy, but if you do the math, it is really not that much. There are 365 days in every year, except leap years, and even if you ran or walked one mile a day for a year that would almost be 400 miles. If you ran or walked two miles that would be almost a thousand. So, saying you ran a 10 minute mile, if you ran for 20 min everyday you could run 1000 miles.

Well, maybe you can ask me how my goals are coming along when you see me. A little bit of accountability always helps. Look out for tomorrow's post and your life will never be the same! (Read as not just a ploy to get you to check out the blog manana.)


  1. Remember when we would get up before Dad and Sarah and run the square? Did it start then? It is exciting that you have goals. Also, now that you have posted them, you are accountable! You can do this. Cooper is helping me achieve my much smaller ones! GodSPEED to you, David!

  2. Thanks for all the comments. I like reading them and thanks for reading the blog. Please do keep me accountable. Also, all goals are the same. You are just making yourself be better than you were the day before. Mine are only relative to me. Thanks for the support!
