Monday, April 4, 2011

A Workman's Dream--Snippet 8

* This is a continuation of a work of fiction.

...The biggest thing that really gets to me when I'm walking to and from work or any other place is when I see or hear people yelling and fighting with one another. I just can't hate it enough. It hurts me a little more each time to be honest. I've been tempted more than once to intervene, but didn't because I sort of know what the consequences would be. People don't like you getting in their business. Trust me. I did it in a Texas parking lot a long time ago and all it got me was a pretty, ugly, black eye. It did save a young lady from getting hit, but she probably went back to that drunk cowboy anyway. It seems like they always do, but that is a whole other topic that seems to really get me and I hate that it does. Seems there's a whole species of the human race that feels so bad about themselves that they are constantly searching for ways to be treated badly. It's just that some people seem to be like those inflatable clowns that pop right back up after being knocked down. It's as if they feel they deserve it, but no one deserves to be treated like that.

     I guess really the only thing I'd probably say is that I'm ninety percent sure that whatever they're fighting about is not worth doing so. If I had to make an assumption, what most people fight about is money and that's another thing I could do without. I'd rather have her back than any sum of money, but I'm getting ahead of everything again. My grandpa told me a long time ago that there really isn't much worth fighting about when it comes to someone you love. He said that most people fight because their pride starts getting bigger than their love for that other person and seems to make them blind to the other person's feelings. I didn't really understand what he was talking about at the time, but the older I get and the longer I live alone I am starting to get it. I guess that might be true with most folks really; not just the people you love.

  I just don't think yelling and slamming a door is a good way to start any day; especially during this time of year. Like I've already told you, it is Spring and the air finally smells okay. . Smells are very important to me and I smell a lot of different things as I walk around this town. I smell breakfast cooking in morning, dryer sheets, dead animals, old trash, the fresh air after a rain shower, dirty dogs, meat on the grill, campfires, but my favorite things to get to smell are the flowers in the Spring. It is like all you have to smell and take in are the jasmine bushes and dogwood trees. It's as if the city sucked all of their usual smells out and imported them in to replace the usuals. I even catch myself tearing up sometimes because of the scents and I don't have allergies. I got a supplement for that, that I ordered out of Ladies Home Journal. It came with about two full pages about all the research that led to the development of the little, pink pills. There is some pretty weird stuff in the pills, but I take them. I'm almost scared not to after reading the papers.

   I know beauty doesn't smell, but if it did, it'd smell like the city I live in during the Spring....

Working on #9,

1 comment:

  1. You were born to write. Never give it up.
