Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tonight, I Celebrate My Love For You...#2

     It is getting to be Spring in Macon. We are all very happy. The brown grass and the trees with no leaves were bringing us all down a little. The weather has been awesome minus the several days of rain as of late. It is chilly in the morning, but warms up to around 75-80 degrees during the day. I wish it could stay like this all year, but I know this is not true because we live in Macon. It will soon be 90-100 degrees and will stay that way till late November. I am thankful though that we live in a place where we do get some of each of the four seasons. Where I grew up (Central Florida) and where Mel and I used to live (Dothan, Alabama) we got two seasons, or really 2.5 seasons. There was summer and then a summer light, and then about two weeks of it being cold, and then back to summer light.

   Macon, Georgia is a beautiful place to live in the Spring. (More about this later!) We have a lot of trees and other plants that blossom; whole roads are lined with the most amazing display of spring color. I get to drive on these to work twice a day. It makes going to work a lot better. The grass turns really green and the trees have the brightest color of new green in their freshly-formed leaves. All of this to say really two things, 1) is that I am so happy Spring is here, and 2) Spring in Macon is a beautiful time.

  However, that is not what this post is about. This post is about something I love and that is:

Tonight I Celebrate My Love For You....Mowing

     I love mowing my yard so very much. I actually just love mowing. Yes, I sweat. Yes, at times it is hard. Yes, everything about mowing is not awesome, but I love it anyway. My whole life is full of things that bleed delayed gratification. My job. My hobbies. My house. My Christian life. Someday, I may see my students lead successful lives. Someday, my runners will win and beat themselves. Someday, my house may look like it should. Someday, I may become a good runner. Someday, I may really trust Christ with all things in my life, follow instead of trying to lead, and rest in the Gospel of grace that I receive, but never deserve. Someday. Some sweet day.

   However, mowing is not this way at all. It is wonderfully indulgent, instant gratification. What I mean by this is this: your yard is overgrown and looks terrible, you crank the mower, 20-40 minutes go by and you have transformed your yard and all you did was push and pull something. You didn't have to solve anything. You didn't have a list of rules you had to follow or make others follow. You didn't have anyone to impress. You didn't have to talk or really even think. You just pushed and pulled. And when your work was done, you got to see some results and they are always good. You feel good. You have for one brief moment of the day followed the wise words of Edward Bok:

   "Make your world a little better or more beautiful because you have lived in it."

I will mow your yard and enjoy it,


  1. Dad loves to mow too. Forrest loves to mow too. I love to mow. It smells good, you get to see the results so fast, it is good for the Type A personality because of the straight lines and exactness. It feels good to look at it after you have finished!
