Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Doing the Hard Things

    Lately, it seems for me, life has been about doing the hardest of things. Everyday seems like the last three miles of my marathon or the month prior to my marriage when I was trying to finish renovating half a house, be in another state at the same time, and finish teaching a 3 prep semester. I know life is hard. but it seems like it is especially so right now. So, if you are like me, watch this video and maybe remember a little why we must do the hard things. This speech gets me every time. What can I say, I'm a sentimental sucker.



1 comment:

  1. "Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord."

    That always produces hard, uncomfortable, the second mile, the narrow path.

    I know. I hurts. I love you.
